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16.49 USD

Field of Glory: Empires PC


Get your instant download with This product includes Field of Glory: Empires PC. The top 3 reasons to play Field of Glory: Empires PC Field of Glory: Empires is a grand strategy game in which you will have to move in an intricate and living tapestry of nations and tribes. Set in Europe and in the Mediterranean Area during the Classical Age, experience what truly means to manage an Empire. Expand your dominion through wars of conquest and make your culture a beacon of light, but be careful though. About Field of Glory: Empires PC Civilizations come and go; common men and kings they get covered by the dust of time in the same way. Monuments and wonders crumble under their own weight. But the cultural legacy is not bygone. Stories and tales about ancestors and their deeds pass through generations, the old knowledge is not lost forever. Soon, new societies, new kingdoms, new civilizations rise from the seeds of the ones which predated them. Decadence is not the end. Will your le Więcej

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