Apex Legends 11500 Coins VC PC


NOTE: Apex Legends PC base game required.Get your instant download of 11500 Apex Coins for Apex Legends on PC with CDKeys.comThe top 3 reasons to get Apex Coins for Apex LegendsApex Coins are used as currency in the Apex Legends in-game shop.To get the best cosmetic items in the hottest new battle royale game you're going to need Apex Coins.Buy the exact items you want most or stock up on Apex Packs to unlock more skins!What to know before buying Apex CoinsWhat's included with the Apex Coins?Includes 11,500 Apex Coins useable in the Apex Legends in-game store.Is there any region lock for the Apex Coins?This product is available worldwide; no region lock.How will I receive my instant download of Apex Coins?After payment has been approved, your game key will be included in your order confirmation email. You can access your key by following a link in the email. Next, you can activate your key on its corresponding platform.How do I activate the key for my Apex Coins?Activate with Origin:Do Daha fazla bilgi edinin

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