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<p>One Berrie Sea Buckthorn of cup of 100 ml contains about 139 whole <em>sea buckthorn berries</em> calculatory quantity. </p> <meta charset="utf-8"> <p><strong>Sales unit: 6 x 100 ml </strong><br><br>Drinkable Berrie is made in Finland from whole berries, including the skin and seeds containing plenty of anthocyanins, vitamins and fibres.</p> <h2>Sea Buckthorn of the Harsh North</h2> Sea buckthorn is the ultimate berry of the North. Plenty of research has been conducted on the natural vitamins, anthocyanins, essential fatty acids and plant sterols contained in sea buckthorn. Recent studies support the view that the compounds of the sea buckthorn have many positive effects. Per saperne di più
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