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28.95 EUR

Havuka Five Herbs Facial Balm


<h2>Traditional herbal face and eye cream</h2> <p>Havuka Facial Balm with five wild herbs moisturizes, renews, balances and energizes the skin. Suitable for the face and around the eyes.</p> <p>The Five Herbs Balm contains Finnish wild herbs dandelion, common yarrow, burdock, soldier's herb and starwort. These herbs balance the natural function of your skin and make the skin more energized.</p> <p>Apply the facial balm as a facial moisturizer on eyelids, as well as lines and wrinkles elsewhere. It can also be used when massaging the face.</p> <p><em>The August sun was shining as Elias Lönnrot wandered across the northern meadow. From this trip, he collected the unique five herbs – burdock, dandelion, yarrow, broadleaf plantain and chickweed. The four seasons of the North had each given the herbs their strength. From these herbs, Elias prepared an eye cream, which he gave as a gift to his wife, Maria.</em></p> <p><strong>Step on the paths of Elias Lönnrot. Take the Nordic gold for your own use!</strong><br></p> Read more

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